Pterygoid Implant

Pterygoid Implant

Pterygoid implant insertion is an alternative to avoid sinus-lifting or other grafting procedures to treat the posterior maxilla.
Pterygoid implant are especially used in partial edentulism in order to avoid distal cantilevers
The placement of a pterygoid implant requires surgical experience.
Pterygoid implants have high success rates, lesser bone loss levels to those of conventional implants, minimal complications and a good patient acceptance.

Pterygoid implant – simplify complications
two piece bi cortical implant !

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Our benefits

Bioline implants are particularly outstanding because of a surface based on the natural citric acid               and contributes to osteo-integration and long-term success.

Our company manufactures the implants from grade 5 medical titanium at a high level of purity.
The implant goes through additional processes to create a biological surface while making special use of citric acid and green materials, a fact that guarantees optimal biological compatibility and long-term success

All the implants manufactured by the Bioline company go through an additional process of antibacterial anodization coating, the coating is an electrical process that ensures complete cleanliness of the titanium shell and the removal of any possible residue resulting from the production process

Bioline implants are special mainly due to advanced human engineering and original thinking according to which design simplicity leads to a stable, solid and durable product for many years

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